Rock/ Metal albums I loved in 2022

Pabasara Kandabada
3 min readDec 31, 2022


Photo by Diane Picchiottino on Unsplash

2022 was an awesome year for fans of rock/ metal music. I for one was ecstatic about all the new releases around the corner and boy, did they deliver!

Here are some rock/ metal albums I loved in 2022 (plus one song from every album to dip your toes in to).

Unleash— Band-Maid

This was a band I discovered later this year and it is definitely one of the best band discoveries I ever made. The first song I ever heard was ‘Influencer’ from the new album and I immediately fell in love with band and ended up listening to their whole discography. The band in general is definitely worth a listen if you’re a fan of Rock and the new album is a fantastic place to start.

Song Highlight — Unleash!!!!!

Pawns and Kings — Alter Bridge

Alter Bridge haven’t missed since ‘One Day Remains’, and the same if true for Pawns and Kings. Fantastic album with some prog thrown in for good measure. Love the band. Loved the album.

Song Highlight — This is War

Pain Remains — Lorna Shore

I firmly believe this an album everyone needs to hear, whether you’re a fan of metal or no. I first heard Lorna Shore when they released ‘…And I Return to Nothingness’, the EP with their new vocalist Will Ramos. I immediately became a fan after that and the single releases prior to the album were all unfailingly amazing. It’s no surprise that the album delivered.

Song Highlight — The Pain Remains trilogy (it’s 3 songs but worth it)

Zeal and Ardor — Zeal and Ardor

Came across this band from a random playlist when I was using Apple Music. The first song I heard was Death to the Holy from the new album and that’s all it took really. Immediate fan and Manuel Gagneux is crazy good.

Song Highlight — Götterdämmerung

Omens — Lamb of God

If you’re a fan of memorable riffs, Lamb of God’s got you. The entire album is riff heaven, as is usual for LoG, not to mention they sound better than ever.

Song Highlight — Ill Designs

Seize the Fate — NEMOPHILA

Another accidental Japanese band finds thanks to random YouTube recommendations, but after I heard Dissension, there was no way I wasn’t going to be a fan. The new album release came as a surprise to me (a very welcome one of course), and this is just their second! Love their genre-bending sounds and I can’t wait to hear more.

Song Highlight — 徒花 -ADABANA-

Remember That You Will Die — Polyphia

Not necessarily rock or metal, these guys also run around genres and create some truly awesome music. Particularly love the featured artists on this album as well. Steve Vai, Chino Moreno, and Sophia Black were the most memorable for me.

Song Highlight — Ego Death

Tekkno — Electric Callboy

Discovered this band in 2022 as well, seems all the new discoveries I made this year are fantastic. All I will say about this album is that if you like a good mix of serious and goofy in your music, this is it.

Song Highlight — Spaceman

Suffer in Hell — Chelsea Grin

Guess what, yet another new discovery for me! Blind Kings was the first song I heard from them, and I immediately jumped into the new album the moment I saw it. It’s heavy. I like it.

Song Highlight — Deathbed Companion


Bad Omens apparently went a different direction with their sound (yes, it’s another new band for me). Well good for them because the album sounds amazing!

Song Highlight — Miracle

The Classic Symptoms of a Broken Spirit — Architects

I’ve heard Architects in passing over the years, but this was the first time I sat down and listened to an entire album, and it sounds great. Hopefully people won’t complain about not enough bleghs.

Song Highlight — tear gas

There are some albums that I still need to listen to as well.

Patient Number 9 — Ozzy Osbourne

Zeit — Rammstein

The End, So Far — Slipknot

The Sick, the Dying, and the Dead — Megadeth

Parrhesia — Animals as Leaders

Immutable — Meshuggah

The Great Heathen Army — Amon Amarth

Elegy — Shadow of Intent

2023 already looks to be overflowing with good music.



Pabasara Kandabada

The world is fascinating. I like to explore it through my writing.